SEPARATED-BIKE_PEDCampus is designed with bicyclists and pedestrians in mind. We’ve created a variety of trails and bike lanes that allow for legal bicycle and pedestrian movement and separate different modes of transportation to help improve safety and efficiency.

Separated bike trails

Separated bike trails are those that separate bicycles from other modes of transportation, typically cars or pedestrians.

This allows for the unimpeded movement of bicycles on traditionally high-congested routes. Portions of the Green Trail and the Mountain Side Loop are separated.

Buffered bike lanesBUFFERED BIKE LANE

Buffered bike lanes are enhanced bike lanes on streets that provide a painted, diagonally hatched buffer between the drive lane and the bike lane. These street designs reduce the drive lane to help slow speeds while providing additional room for the bicyclist. Sections of Plum Street, Pitkin Avenue, and Meridian Avenue on campus have buffered bike lanes.

Contraflow bike lanes

Graphic of Contraflow Bike LaneContraflow bike lanes on campus help provide two-way movement of bicycles on restricted, one-way street. In this case, a sharrow, or graphic painted into the street, is used to direct the bicyclist and the motorist that a bicycle will be taking the drive lane on this section of roadway in the direction of traffic. The bike lane is painted to allow the cyclist to ride against the flow of traffic to allow for a legal movement–contraflow. East Drive and Hughes Way have contraflow bike lanes.

Protected bike lanes

The bicyclist will find protected bike lanes on the perimeter of campus. Protected bike lanes typically have a physical barrier between the bike land and motorists. The barrier can be a median, bollards, and sometimes parked cars. Use caution at intersection where protected bike lanes typically end and bicyclists again interact with traffic.

Shared-use trailSHARED-USE PATH2

Shared-use trails are common on campus. These trails allow the bicyclist to ride away from motorist traffic and typically guide the user to popular destinations on campus. Bicyclists, longboarders, and those on foot share these trail. All shared-use trails are painted with a yellow, hatched center line. These trails require proper hand and audible signals to navigate safely with other users.

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